Totally Custom T-Shirt: want words on it, a person's face, a school logo?
Order your shirt, select the color and size then send your art/design to and we'll send back a proof for your approval. Then in a matter of days - you'll get to see what your creativity dreamed up! You are in total control.
Don't have art or a design - but have an idea - for $15 we will help create something perfect fo you!
Women's Custom Short Sleeve T-Shirt: One side vinyl print
BELLA+CANVAS® Women's Relaxed CVC Short Sleeve Tee
- 4.2 oz., 52% Airlume combed and ring-spun cotton / 48% poly, 32 single (Heather CVC Colors)
- 4.2 oz., 52% Airlume combed and ring-spun cotton / 48% poly, 32 single (Dark Grey Heather & Deep Heather)
- 4.2 oz., 90% Airlume combed and ring-spun cotton / 10% poly, 32 single (Athletic Heather & Black Heather CVC)
- 4.2 oz., 99% Airlume combed and ring-spun cotton / 1% poly, 32 single (Heather Prism Colors)
- Side-seamed
- Relaxed fit